Today, I'd like to share one of those longterm projects that seems to be nearing completion.
BaharFraktur is a blackletterish font that started life as the Boob font in 2007, on one of Luc(as) de Groots brilliant font classes. I had been itching to do a blackletter font for ages at that point, loving the broken letters for their playful calligraphic qualities and the typesetting opportunities they offer. That they share a kinship with Arabic letting helped. So I hunkered down with fontlab to create a headline font, realising only weeks into it that I had embarked on the creation of a hungry, time-consuming beast which would not let me go for a couple of years. Since then I've been working on and off on this, returning to work on it fuller- time a few weeks ago…
Below, you'll find a glyph list, complete with their unicode range, of the font as is right now. It's still missing the eastern european diacritics, a few dots and dashes of black here and there… but it's getting there.

omitted from this post is the alternate lower case as it will still need a bit of work before I am happy with it.
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Ps: if you click on the Blackletter tab in the label cloud, you should see Bahar popping up in various stages of development in previous projects and posts.
BaharFraktur is a blackletterish font that started life as the Boob font in 2007, on one of Luc(as) de Groots brilliant font classes. I had been itching to do a blackletter font for ages at that point, loving the broken letters for their playful calligraphic qualities and the typesetting opportunities they offer. That they share a kinship with Arabic letting helped. So I hunkered down with fontlab to create a headline font, realising only weeks into it that I had embarked on the creation of a hungry, time-consuming beast which would not let me go for a couple of years. Since then I've been working on and off on this, returning to work on it fuller- time a few weeks ago…
Below, you'll find a glyph list, complete with their unicode range, of the font as is right now. It's still missing the eastern european diacritics, a few dots and dashes of black here and there… but it's getting there.

omitted from this post is the alternate lower case as it will still need a bit of work before I am happy with it.
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Ps: if you click on the Blackletter tab in the label cloud, you should see Bahar popping up in various stages of development in previous projects and posts.
How many glyphs are missing before you gonna release it?
PS Sorry for my bad english.
PDF shouldn't be a problem, if you send me an address. Be warned, though, there are still some issues with rendering under OSX, but it seems to work fine with the Adobe font renderer. Also, kerning is still an issue for me.
As to missing glyphs: dashes are definitely not there yet, numbers need some work… maybe a couple of diacritics. I'd be happy with that.
But as I promised Luc I'd do it right, I'm pretty sure he won't let me off before I have the full unicode range ;-)
I'll look into the p's an q's, as you're totally right… it don't really work.
English is my first language though, so I generally will blog én anglais.