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Showing posts from August, 2018

Two Minutes: Creative Industry

There are two definitions implied here: the industry of creatives, which occasionally results in things that may be termed art (even if it is cleaning the floor), the act of producing something creative. A second reading might be a capitalist mode of production, in which creative people produce exponential amounts of content that is, or is not, creative, to retain their relevance and the attention of audiences.  The question attached to that is: once "creatives"understand their work mainly as a form of labour, through which they earn money, and themselves as a factory, are they still producing "art", or is it design? This leads us to the difference between art and design, but that's a discussion for another day. 

Outrage(!), The Aubergine

If we live in the age of outrage, it is incumbent upon us to somehow embody that outrage symbolically. Following an anti-hate strawberry, and a long acquaintance with Watermelons, serendipity and some friendship led me to… Aubergines. So, I introduce the slow evolution of one Outrage!, the Aubergine. Top to bottom: So, we're on the shelf now… | Yeah, but sunlight…| Look! I think that's a cobweb! | EEK Outrage, the Aubergine, it lives in a tiny washing machine… It was too hot…  So he got some ice cream… (TBC) A comment on the #metwo hashtag. It's all in the label?

Twominutes: A week in pink

I have a new favourite pen: Chalk Markers. The guy at Overkill gave me a dirty look when asked whether they had something so… impermanent. in stock. I got comments from friends and family that I was at last cleaning my windows (window, please. I'm too lazy to clean around the windows to reach them, write on them, then clean them). Anyway: I spent a week writing short & spontaneous ditties about weekdays on my window. This is how it went down: First fora Saturday 1 Sunday(with Green) Reverse Friday: Monday Tuesday (for the lazy Wednesday. The middle of the week Thorsday! (Don't tell Disney) The Second Saturday, and introduction of the Green!

Twominutes: Swipe left and ignore

Life had become much easier: Carefully conditioned over generations, people no longer made the active effort to ignore what disturbed them. Years of medial overload allowed them to look directly at something and pick out only the details that pleased them, or conformed to their worldview.