So, by now the net is probably abuzz with news and comments of this internet ballon race thing Orange has going on. What I would like to comment on is the fact that this race has gotten me to see more of the net than I have in a while.
We are after all creatures of habit, and as such, we keep logging on to the same sites… for news, for entertainment, for porn, for whatever our current need is, we have our set destination.
So, navigating that race is akin to floating over known territory in a hot air balloon: you're bound to wonder what that neat new spot you discovered from above is. Today, one little site I want to share is this.
They are specialised on the buying and selling of woolen monkey hand-dolls, and the site is quite full of neat stuff, even if a bit traditionally laid-out. But the speaking monkey doll greeting you is fun, as is the movie trailer for the Monkey movie!
We are after all creatures of habit, and as such, we keep logging on to the same sites… for news, for entertainment, for porn, for whatever our current need is, we have our set destination.
So, navigating that race is akin to floating over known territory in a hot air balloon: you're bound to wonder what that neat new spot you discovered from above is. Today, one little site I want to share is this.
They are specialised on the buying and selling of woolen monkey hand-dolls, and the site is quite full of neat stuff, even if a bit traditionally laid-out. But the speaking monkey doll greeting you is fun, as is the movie trailer for the Monkey movie!