In true Apple geek fashion, I forwent the footie tonight, even though some very good matches are on, and spen the last two hours pressing command+R, reading the liveblog of the WWDC (worldwide developpers conference) webcast on Engadget and Appleinsider simultaneously, and was happy throughout. The iPhone and Ipod touch seem to be shaping up to what I have been expecting ever since they came out– true minicomputers in your pocket. 
And Steve Jobs introduced the new iPhone, which is comparatively affordable, and, as expected, almost more gorgeous than the first one.
Good one.

I won't post a picture of it here as you're bound to be inundated with footage of this new product over the next few weeks. But the title link will take you directly to Apples product page for it :-)>
Update: The BBC thinks this is front page news… Amazing how a simple item of gear can be so important. The comments section of the article might prove to be pretty interesting, as it is not the usual suspects who write in the fan forums who are talking here.
Update (10.06.08): The Beeb has had to scale back it's coverage of the iPhone due to readers protesting that there are more important things going on in the world. but it would have been strange if they had not reported on it at all, as their editors' blog shows. Again some interesting comments to be found there.
I know this post is uncharacteristically enthusiastic, but I've been waiting for this for a looong time.
Little ps: Rumania vs. France 0:0
Netherlands vs Italy 3:0 :) go Oranje!