Remember the pen I introduced a couple of days ago?
I got turned down for the job, but it did lead to me playing around with textures and focus a bit.
So here, in all its glory and delight, the Lightwriter 3000 (Sans titles).
The whole thing took a lot of doing, but at the end of the day I feel it was worthwhile as the result is a lot more interesting than I had anticipated when I set out on this project thinking I'll do a couple of quick renders and I'll be done. Instead, it has grown, and will be allowed to grow even more as I play around with it. I might add dynamic particles to it, to see how they fly, or play around with setting this in an environment befitting the grandeur of the events herein depicted.
Then again, one might consider using motion paths to further enhance the writing aspect of the LightWriter 3000, which is, after everything has been considered, an implement for writing. The special thing about it is that it writes with light and can thus be used to write on air. this might prove to be useful on occasions when you are stuck in the wilderness with nothing with yo except your trusted Lightwriter 3000! You can signal for help at great distances! You can write love messages to the object of your craving, indiscreetly whilst impressively on thin air!
Dislaimer: The last two paraghraphs of waffle are just to get over Links and the archives.
I have to express my regret at not being able to upload this in full HD,
as it does look amazing. But this isn't too bad, either! Enjoi!
The music is, by the way, from the Doctor Who Series 3 Soundtrack.