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Showing posts from 2008

Christmas Merry!

YAAAAY! 'Tis Christmas!

NORAD finds Santa!

One of those traditions I did not know about is the tracking of Santa Klaus via NORADS extensive satellite network… so when that gay red man in red takes off, anything can happen as all the eyes in the world are on the presents for the good kids… (history via the BBC ) Merry Christmas all!

Must be Love…

For about a week now, this graffiti has been catching my attention… but due to bad weather conditions I knew any attempt to document it would be somewhat pointless… today however, the sun came out for a few, brief moments, allowing me this quick snapshot: The caption reads: To the shitty bitch… I wonder what she did to deserve this expression of Emotion?

Lets see what is made of this…

Hello people! In a fit of video-making yesterday, this introduction for a kitsch exposition (or a 15 minute talk on the subject of Egyptian Kitsch.) Thanks to some advanced animation engineering equippement, and the Drums, the Drums, the Durums, the Drums and yes, the drums. Die Kleine Kairæner Kitschexpedition from Caram Kapp on Vimeo . Music is "Great DJ" by the Ting Tings, an earworm. But it gets annoying to have someone going AAA-A-AAA-A in your head all day.


In a different class, we were asked to write short texts– in German– about a logo. This one was written yesterday, about the logo for the Society of Museums in Brandenburg, from the point of view of the design agency… " 2005 gestalteten wir das Logo des Museeumsverbandes des Landes Brandenburg. Wir wollten eine aussagekräftige Marke für die kulturellen Einrichtungen des Landes schaffen, die sich mit der Prävalez von Konsummarken messen kann. Das grosse M für Museen hebt sich präsent von seiner Umgebung ab, signalisiert selbstbewusst, dass Kultur sich als alternative zum Shoppingausflug sieht, was von der Tüte nochmal unterstrichen wird. Die Tüte erinnert uns auch daran, dass wir Kulturerlebnisse, wie auch den Einkauf, mit nach hause nehmen, unser Leben einer nachhaltigen und schönen Erfahrung bereichert. "

Vollton Project Sketch

This is the last thing I'm going to post this side of the binding on my university workshop, Vollton. It unites 19 Musicians in one Printed Cover, with the focus being very heavily on the challenge of working with spot colours, unusual bindings and foldings, in addition to the production of a book containing 19 designs created by the participants in the workshop for the musicians, taking up and continuing the tradition of combining music and graphic design. Below is my sketch, which led to the format and folding of the book, which I will join in printing next week.


And in honour of all this printing with HKS colours, this coloured sketch of the week (or is it two?)


Recently. I've also been sketching some of my teachers a Uni, trying to capture their mannerisms in one pose… results!

Vollton, Spreads

And in other printing news, I need a clone right now. After working on this for the better part of two months, it strikes me as somewhat unfair that I should have to be at work, selling computers, while my printing class gets down to the nitty- gritty bit of print producing things. GRRRR. However, I do get to admire the handiwork of the entire class! Work displayed in this post are by and belong to whoever made them!

The Caterers Catalogue, Pt II

Finally, the end result of the newest Food extravaganza for Hoffmanns catering! Today, we have: The cover of the final version, a bitmap and black/white extravaganza! Comparision between the effect of the intro page, as originally planned and the final result. Comparison of the picture formats in the original and final versions. Proof Prints from the online print shop. Very nice job on that. Alltogether, the making of this catalogue was an exciting journey and a good opportunity to put things learnt to a practical test.

Sunday Evening Developpments

Todays results for the music book project thing… a bit more fleshed out than last time, and in a halfway decent frame, which is going to be decorating every page of the finished product in different colours! Again, interesting this happen when you convert things destined for print into RGb colour space!

From Le Sketchbook: Tuesday Music Girls II

On the music book: We finally decided which colours to use on the music anthology berlin thing. brilliant exercise in compromise. Now, these colours may seem strange in combination and on screen, they will look pretty good when printed on gray paper, and underprinted with white. Today, we had a breakfast about grids & layouts… some fascinating, whilst sleepy ideas sprung out of that. Here's a visualisation of what the printed thing might look like. Again strange things, this time in the colour conversion from CMYK to RGB. Again, more to come!

From Le Sketchbook: Tusday Music Girls

Due to a recent university assignment, I've been sketching loads of grils in the last couple of days… which suits me fine, quite frankly… have a splash page: More to come as this particular project progresses!

People On A Train

Due to a half-hour commute between Potsdam and Berlin, I've taken to drawing a panel of people on the train when no-ones around to talk to. Yesterdays production, in full blazing colour!

Sunday Evening PIE

I don't know what brought this along, but between all the other stuff, this here young lady crept up on my mind and offer me pie in a cellophane bag… hmm. Involves some artistic nudity (or laziness in putting a shirt on). I like to imagine the shirt was destroyed in the quest that culminated in the freeing of the pie. Meanwhile: Still waiting on the finished catalogues to be delivered, one book and a radio ad campaign in the works, lots of fun at uni and more to come as soon as I can!

The Caterers Catalogue

So, what's your excuse this time, young man? I've been busy with a new client recently. After the food icons for StudentSN, another food-related challenge, creating a catalogue for an oriental caterer. Let me take you through the various stages of the design: Early days: The first, rough draft for the catalogue, with a placeholder text in Magenta: Second Stage: Decorations are brought in, at first pixelated flowers, these get taken out later on, instead arrangements are made out of Parsley and flowers,  the colours get corrected, and the type gets itself set: Then, due to the limitations of the printer the client chose to work with, I get the fun of changing the whole format into A6 (from 12x10) in one morning, ending up with something like this: Which is going into Print as we speak. In the next installment of this journal, the printed book and Menus!

Monday Morning Beauty

I haven't been sketching enough recently… So to brighten an othewise rainy monday morning, i sketched and coloured this here young lady!

Blast From The Past: Spot On Stage

Five Years Ago, I was a different person. The kind of person who will organise a theatre festival and produce it on shoestrings, putting it together out of thin air and oratory skill. It went rather well for what it was, and I got to keep my shoestrings. I still attribute this in part to the designing I did for it at the time, even though from todays perspective, I have to admit the only thing I would use again from this project is the formats. And I hope to get the same support from friends and relations, should I ever be nuts enough to undertake this kind of venture again. So, in my ongoing effort to divulge my past in design and die Gestaltung, here are those flyers, and the poster for the festival. Also, as I meticulously document process (in form of round silver disks), the road to the final logo and the poster. Ah, the days when I though Photoshop was the epitome of a good design tool! The Logo: Based on the britspotting logo of the time, the logo went through quite an e...

Wednesday Walk

The sun finally came out for a brief period before setting, so I decided to go out for a quick graffiti photoshoot before setting off into wednesday evening. Todays focus : Politlical graffiti, stencils, romantic traces on the streets of Berlin and some Wallpapers! Lets start off with the latter: And now… romance (pleace prononce with a frainch accént): Ok, more like romanticism… On with: Politics, politics, politics! (To quote Mel Brooks): Translation: Privatisation's expensive. Very political: Eat more fruit (Somewhat misleading in English). Transl.: Thanks for your labour plan Mr Bush. Transl.: Strikes Help! Juvenile and direct! Stencils! I knew Faile and Banksy had done a tour of berlin at some point… And a couple of miscellaneous ones that were too much fun not to share: Transl.: All Computers! (Meaning the residents, I suppose?) All work on display here is by the people who did it… I don't expect anyone to step forth and claim the fame!