Caram on Games (COG) is an occasional ramble in which I discuss computer gaming, gaming culture and how I perceive them, in an attempt to talk about a medium that I've always been passionate about, or at least enjoyed. Every part is an exploration of thoughts, meaning that it comes together as it is written- so while they may meander for a while, a point will eventually be reached. Maybe. After a lot of words, and sometimes numbers. You have been warned- there will be a lot of waffle and fewer pictures than befits a visual medium. Now you've been warned twice. Enjoy! There is a great problem at the core of narratives in computer games: The authors desire to tell a story. On its own, this is not a problem. It becomes thus when confronted with the readers' desire to experience their own story in the authors story. In itself, even this is not a problem- a game's designer can plan many branching strands of a narrative that will accommodate different approaches to th...
Caramblogage somehow contains Caram Kapps thoughts on worlds and words.