Hereunder, you shall find three pictures of walls and one of the Ground in Kreuzberg. The Trash Container is used in construction and proves its qualities as a stencil surface.

This last one is interesting in that it has been popping up all over the ground over the last few weeks… either it's a reaction to government bailouts, wishing ponies on everyone (I'll pass, never having harboured that particular dark desire, thank you very much…), never considering how much it would cost to feed the animal. It would probably be good for the flowers, though… OR it's hairstyle advice, as a pony also translates as a fringe. In which case whoever did this might be pointing out that we all have faces like horses… which is a valid point of view.

This last one is interesting in that it has been popping up all over the ground over the last few weeks… either it's a reaction to government bailouts, wishing ponies on everyone (I'll pass, never having harboured that particular dark desire, thank you very much…), never considering how much it would cost to feed the animal. It would probably be good for the flowers, though… OR it's hairstyle advice, as a pony also translates as a fringe. In which case whoever did this might be pointing out that we all have faces like horses… which is a valid point of view.