Where I come from we have glorious Pyramids, built by megalomaniac monarchs to magnify their majesty.
We might argue that all of this was done to keep the people busy during flood season, when the banks of the nile became unarable and that the alignment of these three pyramids of Giza (the most famous ones.. ) vis-a-vis some stars might point to some kind connection between my ancestors and aliens. We might be mystified that in all this time, no-one has been able to dislodge any treasure beyond tourist revenue from the structures. They don't even have hieroglyphs on the walls, so no real historical data can be gleaned from them.
We are satisfied with the mere fact of the continued existence of the last of the seven ancient wonders of the world. And they inspire us.
For instance these two gents here: Jens Thiel and Ingo Niermann, inspired by the ancient construction, they have decided to breathe life into Great Pyramid Democracy.
We might argue that all of this was done to keep the people busy during flood season, when the banks of the nile became unarable and that the alignment of these three pyramids of Giza (the most famous ones.. ) vis-a-vis some stars might point to some kind connection between my ancestors and aliens. We might be mystified that in all this time, no-one has been able to dislodge any treasure beyond tourist revenue from the structures. They don't even have hieroglyphs on the walls, so no real historical data can be gleaned from them.
We are satisfied with the mere fact of the continued existence of the last of the seven ancient wonders of the world. And they inspire us.
For instance these two gents here: Jens Thiel and Ingo Niermann, inspired by the ancient construction, they have decided to breathe life into Great Pyramid Democracy.
They are co-founders of the Friends of the Great Pyramid e.V. (eingetragener Verein), having set themselves the goal of bringing a modern equivalent of the great pyramid of Giza to the vicinity of Dessau.
This means that they intend to build a pyramid which will grow over time, as more and more people decide to get buried in its stones. You can buy a stone (probably similar in shape, weight and size to the slabs of stone used in the construction of the originals), in which your deceased body will be enshrined for about €700, which will then be built right into the pyramid itself.
In a way, this is a nice idea: Pyramids are part of several cultures, Mayan, Incan, Indian, Pharaonic, Mesopotamian, Chinese.
This means that they intend to build a pyramid which will grow over time, as more and more people decide to get buried in its stones. You can buy a stone (probably similar in shape, weight and size to the slabs of stone used in the construction of the originals), in which your deceased body will be enshrined for about €700, which will then be built right into the pyramid itself.
In a way, this is a nice idea: Pyramids are part of several cultures, Mayan, Incan, Indian, Pharaonic, Mesopotamian, Chinese.
They have no immediate religious connotation, unlike a flat strip of land. They are acceptable to all and offer nigh unlimited space for you and future generations to be buried in. See this:

While I shudder at the thought of mass genocide needing to be preformed to build the pyramid up to such stupendous height within a few years, the organizers are in this for the long haul. This is not a project for today, or tomorrow, obviously. As it is, about 900 stones have been reserved, hardly enough to build the base with, estimating that the pyramids of old are comprised of about 2.3 million stones.

While I shudder at the thought of mass genocide needing to be preformed to build the pyramid up to such stupendous height within a few years, the organizers are in this for the long haul. This is not a project for today, or tomorrow, obviously. As it is, about 900 stones have been reserved, hardly enough to build the base with, estimating that the pyramids of old are comprised of about 2.3 million stones.
I might consider burial in there myself, as long as I'm sure that no-one will steal my fabulous treasures!