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Showing posts from March, 2009

One young lady by the fireside

Holidays sometimes also lead to sketching lead on by events… here's one of the Voice by the fireplace. A truly amazing woman, used to test out one truly astonishing graphics tablet (and please forgive me for waxing technical on the fireside romance…), the Intuos4. Completed, of course, on my Bamboo at Home… Thank you for the songs, dear people!

One Cat

Ah, the joy of being on holiday… always leads to cat sketches for some reason. Here's my version of the other orange one, Heathcliff!

Quarterly Update Pt.3: The Berlin Book

A project I am very happy to report as completed is the Berlin Book. It is an undertaking with y father, who had and has been taking pictures of Berlin for about thirty years now. We compiled a few more recent ones into a book, which looks like this: It also has fold-out pages, which look something like this when in process: Due to the complexity of the binding, the printer automatically switched to a different method. What we recieved, in real life, is this: It was one of those very challenging projects in that, once more, every picture had to be colour corrected… Very carefully. But the result is worth it.

Quarterly Update Pt.2: Design, Versprochen

The second part of the quarterly update, "Design, Versprochen" , is also part of this semesters work. Compiling the text generated during the course it was a joy to plan and a pleasure to print. Also, as it will probably never be printed, my final text for the course: Ich bin verliebt. Unter einem Tannenbaum steht sie eingepackt und winkt. Beim ersten mal sehe ich sie quer von der Seite, wie man an den Nutten der Oranienburger vorbeischielt. In der U6 umschlinge ich sie fest, ihr Körper schmiegt sich unförmlich an meinen. Das könnte eine peinliche Liebe sei Ich trage sie über die Türschwelle, setze meine Herrin in Miniatur ab, entreisse ihr die Verpackung. Sofort brechen, knacks und plump, ihre hochhackigen Stiefel vom Sockel.
 Zerbrechliche Plastikdomina, Made in China. Du willst austeilen können – zusammenstecken kann dich keiner. I will admit that my love of the German languaged was not rekindled by the course.

Quarterly Update Pt.1: Radioaktiv

In this attempt to update everyone in the happenings over the last three months, or so, I give you these process and developpment pictures. First up, a university project, dreamt up in collaboration with Julie- Sophie Himpe. The brief was to invent a new and innovative radio station. Deciding to focus on the increasing role of social media in the way public information is produced, we created a radio station based on a web and phone community, with contributors reporting on a semi-professional basis. We called it Radioaktiv, a play on radio and active in German. The advertising campaigns reflect this: You can make radio happen anywhere. And it will be yours. The Giveaways: The tape, which is the theme running through any media used to advertise Radioaktiv, is of course given to contibutors who can then use it to decorate their surroundings. The video we made to accompany this can be found here: Radioaktiv Tower from Caram Kapp on Vimeo . It was also a nice opportunity to engage in ...