A while back, i posted a question that had been haunting me for a few weeks on twitter: what use is a graphic designer in a revolution? Far from being a trick question, I was, through reading blogs and magazines, to find out that I am not the only one asking myself this. Not only was I not the only designer with Arab roots to be stuck in Germany during the arab spring, or whatever this period of middle eastern history end up bein called, I was not the only one feeling just a wee bit useless. Nadine Chahine, type designer extraordinaire, started producibg snippets of type in commemoration of the Egyptian revolution. A guy in the states turned a picture of a muhagabba doing the v- sign into a vector poster a la sheppard fairy. Designers in egypt created posters, type and websites. I know of one person who made stencils in Germany that were later sprayed on walls in Tunis in support of their revolution. Someone made a crumpped Kathafi poster for reporters without borders. Even thou...
Caramblogage somehow contains Caram Kapps thoughts on worlds and words.